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136. Maria C. Palmer and Ruthie Robbins | On the Rocks: Co-authoring, patience, and collaboration

Arts Calling Podcast | Down-to-earth conversations with independent artists about craft, community, and a life well-lived.

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Weekly Shoutout: Maria C. Palmer Arts Calling Episode 109!

Hi there,

Today I am so excited to be arts calling co-authors Maria C. Palmer & Ruthie Robbins!

About our guests:

Maria Costanzo Palmer is an author and grant writer. Growing up as the oldest child of an award-winning restaurateur, Maria unexpectedly became a daughter of the incarcerated. This experience ignited an interest in working for Get on the Bus, a nonprofit dedicated to uniting children with their incarcerated parents. A former host on L.A. Talk Radio, Maria was recently featured on Food and Beverage Magazine Live and has made a number of media appearances. You can find Maria on FB and IG @joecostanzoprimadonna and on Twitter @mariacpalmer. For more information, visit

Ruthie Robbins is an award-winning educator who worked for the Montour School District in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA, and for Johns Hopkins University Talent Development Secondary. Ruthie grew up in “The Rocks” but now teaches English Language Arts and music in Buffalo, New York. Best known as co-creator of a popular interdisciplinary unit for Pittsburgh’s Kennywood Park, Ruthie is currently working on other books and is preparing to launch The Writing Factory Online, a comprehensive writing program for middle schools.

On the Rocks, now available:


Maria and Ruthie: Thanks for this wonderful conversation! All the best!

Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro ( If you like the show: leave a review, or share it with someone who’s starting their creative journey! Your support truly makes a difference! Go make a dent. Much love,


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