Hi there,
Today I’m excited to be arts calling CJ Peterson!
About our guest:
CJ Peterson has been a lifelong storyteller who grew up obsessed with movies. Since an early age, he knew he wanted to tell similar stories of his own that made him feel that magic a special story gave him. His debut novel IN THE SIGHT OF SOUND is out now. — He lives in the Ozark Mountains with his wife & golden retriever and spends his spare time enjoying his record collection, hiking, computer gaming, and of course, discovering exciting new movies.
Check out CJ’s novel, IN THE SIGHT OF SOUND, out now!
Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro. If you like the show: please consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, or are starting their creative journey! Your support truly makes a difference, so check out the new website artscalling.com for the latest episodes!
Go make a dent: much love,