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Ep. 50 aureleo sans | a list of grievances, living the american nightmare, and a return to writing

Hi there,

Thrilled to be arts calling aureleo sans today!

aureleo sans is a flamingo. she is also a Colombian-American, non-binary, queer poet and writer with a disability. she grew up in various forms of homelessness in Miami, Barranquilla, Atlanta, St. Petersburg, and Phoenix before settling down in San Antonio, where she currently lives. her family limboed far below the poverty line until she escaped to chase the American Dream Unfulfilled.

she is a 2022 Tin House Scholar, Periplus fellow, a Macondista, a VONA alumnus, and a creative nonfiction associate editor at jmww. she was named the second-place winner of Fractured Lit’s 2021 Micro Fiction Contest, a longlister for the 2021 CRAFT Short Fiction Prize, and a semi-finalist for the 2021 American Short Fiction Halifax Ranch Prize. she is a 2022 Pushcart Prize nominee and a 2022 Best Microfiction nominee.

aureleo is presently working on two projects:

  • THE GLORIOUS POOR, a collection of short stories set in a housing project community confronting the specters of gentrification, the pandemic and a possible apocalypse.
  • FLAMINGO, a memoir investigating legacy or rather, what is left behind after the shrapnel of intergenerational poverty and a life spent poor, queer, and different.


Visit for her latest published works.

Thanks for inspiring us, aureleo!

Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro at If you like the show: consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, your support truly makes a difference! Check out for more podcasts about the arts and original content!

Make art. Much love,
