Hi there,
Thanks for stopping by! Today I am so thrilled to be arts calling Kellie Scott-Reed!
About Kellie:
Assistant editor in chief of Roi Fainéant Press: An enthusiast who can’t be bothered with the negative things to say. The tail to many comets, the starfish savior, the harbinger of partially good news. Brushes with fame but not famous. A songwriter, a poet, a short-story-at-work-when-I-should-be-doing-my-job-writer; I seek to live as many” truths” as one skin suit can without tearing at the seams. Justice is my hobby.
She writes songs for the band Fivehead that can be found on iTunes or Spotify. You can find her work all round, scattered about. She is a very happy person, and therefore loves dark things.
Stop by Roi Fainéant Press! https://www.roifaineantpress.com/
Visit YouTube for Kellie’s interview series, “A Word?”
Check out Kellie’s latest short story at Synchronized Chaos, Bulletproof Glass Smeared with Grease.
Kellie on Twitter @kelliescottreed
Thanks for this inspiring conversation, Kellie!
Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro at cruzfolio.com. If you like the show: consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, your support truly makes a difference! Check out cruzfolio.com for more podcasts about the arts and original content!
Make art. Much love,