Arts Calling Podcast | Down-to-earth conversations with independent artists about craft, community, and a life well-lived.
Arts Calling is now available wherever you listen to podcasts!
Weekly shoutout: A Word? Hosted by Kellie Scott-Reed, from Roi Fainéant Press!
*Some episodes of arts calling may feature strong language or discuss difficult subjects.
Tell me what you think of today’s episode!
Hi there,
Today I am excited to be arts calling writer and educator Anna Dickson James! (whiskeytit.com/authors/anna-dickson-james)
About our guest: Anna Dickson James earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Queens University of Charlotte, NC and teaches English at Garrett College in Deep Creek, Maryland. Her work has appeared in Anthology of Appalachian Writers, she was a two-time finalist for the West Virginia Fiction Prize, and has won numerous awards from WV Writers, Inc. Writing these stories helped her understand a time in her life when she gave up much of her personal power, and the compilation of this collection was an avenue for helping her to reclaim it.
Twitter: @annabanana57
BOYS BUY ME DRINKS TO MAKE ME FALL DOWN, now available from Whiskey Tit! https://whiskeytit.com/product/boys-buy-me-drinks-to-watch-me-fall-down/
Boys Buy Me Drinks to Watch Me Fall Down is the quietly opened vein that every literate woman is hiding with a strategically positioned clutch or behind sleeves not quite right for the weather. These are not your everyday stories of resilience — while the heart may be laid bare, the women here don’t have time to hit the fainting couch with their trauma. No. The women here are too sharp for that. And too busy. They’re busy carrying worlds on their shoulders; they’re busy with sex (and equally busy when the sex is great and when it’s not); they’re busy being messy and complicated and generally busy with the business of existence, with making sure you don’t see that vein. As for author Anna Dickson James? She’s busy exploring the many delicate and thoroughly original ways to let you see it anyway.
Thanks for this wonderful conversation, Anna! All the best!
Arts Calling is produced by Jaime Alejandro (cruzfolio.com). If you like the show: please consider reviewing the podcast and sharing it with those who love the arts, or are starting their creative journey! Your support truly makes a difference, so check out the new website artscalling.com for the latest episodes!
Go make a dent: much love,